St. Paul Lutheran Church
Monday, March 31, 2025

Sunday School

You are welcome to join us for

Sunday School at 10am in the Education Wing!
Sunday school is for children from Pre-K thu 8th Grade
Our Sunday School program is held Sunday mornings (from September to May)
at 10am in the lower level of our church. It is open to all children from ages 3 through 8th grade.
Children gather as a large group for music time, then go to their own classrooms for
bible lessons and activities.
Our groups are as the following:
3–4-year-olds to kindergarten
Grades 1-2
Grades 3-4
Grades 5-6
Grades 7-8
 Please register your child(ren) for Sunday School. 
We look forward to assisting you as we teach your child(ren) about Jesus Christ!
On Rally Sunday, September 13, 2015, our Sunday School students each tied a note to a balloon, and we released them as a group. A few weeks later, we received a response back from a family near Mason City, Iowa who found one of the balloons in their bean field. The family sent a nice note, a picture of the balloon in the bean field and a family picture.