Welcome to
St. Paul Lutheran Church

Worship with us
Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m.
We share Holy Communion on the first and third Sunday of each month.
We would love to have you join us in worshiping our Lord!
Live Broadcasting on YouTube
Our live broadcasting will now be streamed LIVE on YouTube rather than Facebook
You can subscribe so you get notified when we go live.
Just go to our YouTube Channel by clicking below
Search for St. Paul Lutheran Church, Springfield Minnesota
Broadcasting on Channel 8
Our Sunday morning worship recording will be broadcast on Ch. 8
10:35 am on Sunday's
7:00 pm on Tuesday's
10:00 am on Wednesday's
St. Paul Lutheran Church, LCMC
St. Paul Lutheran Church, LCMC
303 North Cass Avenue | Springfield, MN 56087
(507)723-5880 | stpaul_lutheran@hotmail.com
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